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Autohotkey Pause a Script for 5 Seconds Then Continue

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I would like to know how to ''Pause' (not suspend) my ahk script for X seconds, the problem I have is that if I use pause then the 'Sleep' command doesn't work, I have tried with SetTimer also and toggle, but maybe Im not thinking clearly :(

It would be something like this:

Pause, on

Sleep 5000

Pause, off


Thank you :)

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I don't think that's possible.
When you pause the script,all timers and hotkeys stop running.

You can pause=>resume it from other script but not with the same.

PostMessage,0x111,65404,,,the window title,class or whatever you want to use.
PostMessage,0x111,65404,,,the window title,class or whatever you want to use.

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That suspends the other script, I want to pause it, what should I change?

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Why do you need to pause it and why willSleep not suffice? If it's running a single thread, you could simply do:

^w:: Sleep, 5000

OS: Windows 7 Ultimate / Windows 8.1 Pro | Editor: Notepad++

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Because in my script I have the following function so I focus whatever window is under my mouse:


MouseGetPos,,, WinUMID

WinActivate, ahk_id %WinUMID%


And sometimes I need to right click something and I need to stop the script so that function doesnt steal the focus on what I want to do. So I need a few seconds, thats why I want to pause it.

Ex: use that and try to right click on your desktop and you'll see that the function will steal your focus and you cant do nothing except pause the script, do what you want do to, and unpause it again. Thats what I need :p

Thanks for all your help :)

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✓  Best Answer

Best Answer

That suspends the other script, I want to pause it, what should I change?

It's actually 65403 not 4

You need to add the window name of the script you want to pause.
For example your script is caller Test.ahk
So the window for that script will be called

Path to the script\Test.ahk - AutoHotkey vthe AHK version number.

PostMessage,0x111,65403,,,Test.ahk - AutoHotkey
PostMessage,0x111,65403,,,Test.ahk - AutoHotkey


You can also do something like this with your script

Loop { If GetKeyState("LShift","P") KeyWait,LShift MouseGetPos,,, WinUMID WinActivate, ahk_id %WinUMID% Sleep,100 }            

if LShift is pressed down,wait for it to be released and then continue activating windows below the mouse cursor.
That way you can hold shift and then use the right button

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You can also do something like this with your script

This is probably the best answer.

OS: Windows 7 Ultimate / Windows 8.1 Pro | Editor: Notepad++

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Thank you, now works fine :)

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Also rather that constantly activating the window,you can do this

Loop { If GetKeyState("LShift","P") KeyWait,LShift MouseGetPos,,, WinUMID,,2 IfWinNotActive,ahk_id %WinUMID% WinActivate, ahk_id %WinUMID% Sleep,100 }            

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