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Samsung Note 8 Themes Free Download

For the past few flagships, Samsung has built in its Theme service that allows owners to change up the overall software look of their Galaxy device. Considering I'm still not a massive fan of Samsung's custom UI look, the theming has been lovely, and I wanted to share a number of what I'd consider to be the best Galaxy Note 8 themes.

For the Galaxy Note 8 (this would apply to the Galaxy S8 too), I've found a few themes that go quite well with the phone. There are a couple that may need an update from their respective developers, as it seems there are little slivers of the UI that aren't matching up well. Even thought you may see something like that present, I'd say rest assured that things will get tweaked and updated to make everything look pleasing.

Here are my 5 favorite Galaxy Note 8 themes!

Material Design

best galaxy note 8 themes

One thing you'll notice right from the start is that I appreciate somewhat minimal, vanilla Android-like Galaxy Note 8 themes. No neon colors, no crazy color profiles. I just want a simple, lovely theme. That's where Material Design themes come into play and there are plenty to choose from inside of Samsung Themes.

Instead of me explaining everything that a theme changes, just check out the screenshots I've put below. I will say, though, these themes change up Samsung's icon pack, the wallpaper, notification pulldown, Samsung's suite of applications, lockscreen, navigation buttons, and the Settings menu. Basically, everything gets themed unless you downloaded it from Google Play.

Additionally, each theme lists multiple screenshots for you to preview what you will download. Samsung also provides trials for you to test spin the theme before committing to a $1-2 purchase.

Material Dark UI

best galaxy note 8 themes

This is another Material theme, but with more purple and green. It reminds me heavily of Joker from the Batman series, and frankly, that's what makes it awesome. I also enjoy the Settings menu, with all of the icons getting touched up to suit the theme.

Oh, and the wallpaper you get along with the theme is top notch.


best galaxy note 8 themes

With Urban, your Samsung device will take on a greenish, orangish look, complete with circle icons. If circle, minimal icons are your thing, this would be a good theme to check out.

The Settings menu is bit more easy, with just a white background coupled with colored icons. It's not too flashy of a theme, just a basic recoloring and re-skinning of icons.

Kendi Material Red

best galaxy note 8 themes

This might be my favorite out of the five. If you're an MKBHD fan, then you'll probably love it, too. It's Red and Black, again featuring a Material Design appearance. The Settings menu is blacked out with Red icons, the pulldown is blacked out with a Red slider and icons, and all of the applications get a nice black look as well.

Yep, this one is slick.


best galaxy note 8 themes

While "Vanilla" is another Red and Black theme, this one plays with the shape and colors more so than the others I list. In fact, the pulldown menu has no red at all, and instead, opts for an off-green color. It's a nice touch. The Settings menu is somewhat grayish, complete with off-colored icons and yellow-tinted text.

After running this one for the past day or so, I take back what I said about Kendi. This one is probably my #1 go-to out of them all. I highly recommend.

Galaxy Note 8 Themes: Honorable Mentions

Because there are so many Galaxy Note 8 themes I could probably go on all day, so instead of doing that, I'll just list out a few more that I highly recommend. Some stray away from the minimal look I appreciate, but others are par for the course.

  • Pixelize
  • Forest [Premium]
  • Starry Night
  • [PIXOME] Awesome Sky

Now, if you own a Galaxy Note 8 or even a Galaxy S8, you can head into the Theme section of your Settings menu, then search for these themes specifically. If you want to find something more suited to you, use the search option to pull up holiday themes, colors, or anything else you can imagine. I was surprised at how many options are in there, so go have some fun.

And again, you can download trials of any theme, and if you like what you see, the full versions often cost about $1-2. That's a small price to change up the entire look of your device.

Do you have any Galaxy Note 8 themes you love that I didn't feature? Tell me about it below and I'll check it out!

Buy Galaxy Note 8:

  • Samsung Store
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Samsung Note 8 Themes Free Download
